School Age, Teenagers and Adults
Age 8+, 10+, 15+
BLOQX is not just a playground, a sculpture, a
climbing wall or a meeting space! BLOQX is an attractive hot spot
for children, teenagers and adults to hang out in urban and suburban
locations. Furthermore, it is a design concept that is intriguing,
tough and designed to get us moving and have some fun!
A 3 dimensional and safe environment that gives
an opportunity for young climbers to develop their climbing skills
nearby, while the geometric forms gives easy access to a whole new
climbing experience. Once you are at the top, the saddles become the
perfect hangout zone to get together and check things out.
The contrasting colours of light blue and orange
produce a crisp and exciting design that attracts the user and fits
well into the residential environment. It is a modern sculpture that
perfectly suits the urban environment and appeals to everyone.
Furthermore, the variety in plate colour and climbing grips allow
the user to invent routes and challenge each other. Not to mention
the fact that the few parts and quality materials make BLOQX easy to
install and maintain.
BLOQX was developed in cooperation with some of
the world's best climbers combined with the
involvement of many young people. This gives BLOQX
the advantage of being a place for all regardless of
their level of skill or ability.